Our Story

Since ancient times, Greek mountain herbal tea has been a staple in many Greek pantries. And in my home growing up, it was brewed after family meals and as a way to settle an aching stomach, comfort a sore throat, or soothe sleeplessness. 

Just as our parents and grandparents served Greek mountain herbal tea as a way to nourish the body, enjoy a moment of relaxation, and bring together family and friends, so do we. Each cup that I pour honours my grandmother and the traditions that she shared with me - the very traditions that I now share with my family and friends. From family dinners and game nights, to dinner with friends who have become family, Greek mountain herbal tea is the anchor for the memories we make. 

It is that love of continuing to share this traditional herbal tea with friends and family that inspired us to launch Theia Sophia’s. By offering individual bags of our Greek mountain herbal tea blends, we are thrilled to make it easy to brew yourself a cup at any time of the day. We understand that so many of us lead busy lives balancing a career, family, relationships and so much more. We encourage you to take a moment out of your day to nourish your mind and body, to step back from the chaos and reconnect with yourself and your loved ones - if only for a cup of tea. 

We hope our Theia Sophia’s Greek mountain herbal tea blends bring you and your loved ones the joy and sense of family they bring to us.